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What if you found cancer early enough to make a difference?

What if you discover heart disease before it affects your health?

What if you found a tumor before it caused illness?

What if you found gut health imbalances and nutrient deficiencies before they caused health issues?

A Longevity Clinic Serving Midwestern United States Residents

Stay on top of your overall health with help from Synergy Longevity Centers in Novi, MI. Our longevity clinic offers the proactive surveillance and prevention services you need to keep track of your well-being and identify conditions before they become clinically significant and affect your wellness. Issues like gut health, heart health, and longevity are our areas of expertise. With our professional help, you can improve your chance of avoiding or treating diseases as early as possible, giving you a better chance of resolving them with the least impact on your well-being. You deserve to live your life as long as possible and get the best function out of your body. By investing in a comprehensive medical evaluation and other testing for various illnesses and issues, you can enjoy better health currently and in the coming years.

Proactive Healthcare Services for Your Health & Longevity

A healthy lifestyle is integral to your well-being and happiness in many ways. Synergy Longevity Centers is well-versed in how regular medical testing and evaluations can improve and maintain a patient’s health and lifespan. We proudly help clients keep in better physical condition with comprehensive services covering a wide array of healthcare needs. Our service collection uses invaluable resources, such as advanced imaging and laboratory studies, to ensure we effectively help clients implement healthier lifestyles. Equipment and techniques like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and electrocardiograms (EKG) give us in-depth information about your body, including any issues before you show symptoms. Below, we’ve listed and described examples of our services to keep clients in the best possible health:

Longevity Evaluations

Using a full suite of testing methods, we evaluate your physical health and check to identify a wide array of diseases and medical conditions, including cancer, heart problems, and nutrient imbalances. All these tests are essential to understand your longevity and verify your physical wellness. While your medical intake evaluation may call for additional testing, we’ve listed the tests you should always expect for this service:

Whole-Body MRIs

Even if you’re asymptomatic, undergoing our Synergy DeepScan lets us identify early signs of diseases, including various forms of cancer. A whole-body MRI is non-invasive and doesn’t use radiation or dyes to capture images of your interior structures. We can detect tumors and abnormalities before you develop symptoms, giving you the best possible outcome throughout early detection and treatment.

Cancer-Focused Assessments

For this service, we utilize the Synergy DeepScan and a comprehensive multi-cancer early detection test and stool analysis to thoroughly examine you for signs of cancer development. With these three tests, we get an in-depth look at various cancers in the brain, ovaries, pancreas, and other hard-to-find cancers.

Heart-Health Assessments

At Synergy Longevity Centers, we recognize the impact of heart disease on clients. This disease is the nation’s number one cause of death. We address this health concern with a cardiac-focused assessment, during which we examine a client’s heart health through a coronary calcium scan, echocardiogram, electrocardiogram, and the cardiac-specific blood tests. A client’s risk factors may also warrant additional testing, such as stress tests and a coronary artery CTA.

Nutritional Evaluations

Your dietary decisions significantly impact your overall health and potential lifespan. Furthermore, nutritional imbalances can contribute to disease development and endanger your health and livelihood. Synergy Longevity Centers’ nutritional evaluation evaluates macro- and micro-nutrients in your body and evaluates more than 125 biomarkers to identify nutritional issues and make changes to your diet.

Gut Health Assessments

A person’s gut is an intricate system that heavily affects their overall health. Synergy Longevity Centers understands recent research’s discovery of gut health’s profound impact on having a long and healthy life with a balanced gut microbiome. We use stool and breath tests to evaluate your microbiome, immune function, and inflammation levels, including a small intestinal bacterial overgrowth test (SIBO) and comprehensive stool testing.


Ultimate Executive Physicals

Synergy Longevity Center will gladly evaluate your executive team’s health with a personalized and comprehensive physical. Our Ultimate Executive Physicals provide a clear image of your current health, a benchmark for future exams, testing, physicals, and imaging, and a health improvement plan. We can complete this test in one day to minimize its impact on your time.

Start Keeping Track of Your Health With an Initial Package

In today’s healthcare industry, medical offices, clinics, and hospitals focus their efforts on treating illnesses their patients already have instead of preventing them from developing. Synergy Longevity Centers understands you deserve to know everything that’s currently happening inside your body. Even if you don’t have any symptoms, you can preserve and improve your health and longevity with comprehensive professional testing and action plans. Furthermore, identifying diseases and conditions like cancer as early as possible gives you the best chance of treating it and living as long as possible. Our Longevity Kickstart Package is a perfect way to start your ongoing experience at our longevity health center and healthy aging clinic.

We have longevity specialists ready to carry out the following package services:

  • Baseline Blood Panel
  • One-on-One Results Appointment With a Physician at Our Clinic
  • Personalized Recommendations, Including:
    • Knowledge of Baseline Bloodwork
    • Create an Improvement Plan for Your Health and Longevity
    • Have a Benchmark to Compare to Future Lab Testing

Package Price: $399

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Synergy Longevity Centers’ Mission

A professional mission is essential to ensure our clients receive the care and services they deserve for their current and ongoing health and wellness. At Synergy Longevity Centers, our mission is to provide close surveillance and prevent diseases before they worsen into clinically significant medical problems by promoting a healthy lifestyle. With our comprehensive medical evaluations, we focus on proactive watching over our client’s healthcare. For testing and evaluations, we invest in some of the medical industry’s best equipment and techniques, including advanced imaging and laboratory studies. Through these means, we actively implement a healthier lifestyle that our clients can follow to improve and maintain their health and potentially extend their lifespans.

Innovative Healthcare Solutions for a Healthier Clientele

Synergy Longevity Centers is unlike other healthcare providers because we’re the Midwest’s first center focusing on healthy lifestyle promotion. Our longevity and wellness clinic offers comprehensive medical evaluations to watch client health closely and prevent diseases before they develop into significant health risks. We focus on being a proactive authority in client healthcare by using innovative techniques and equipment trusted by medical professionals to help clients lead healthier lifestyles. Overall, our approach to disease prevention and healthy lifestyle promotion can greatly improve people’s wellness and longevity now and in the future.

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Contact Us Today to Schedule Our Healthcare Services

Better health and wellness are attainable now and for years to come with testing and preventive care from Synergy Longevity Centers. A healthy aging clinic should offer a broad range of proactive healthcare services to keep your body functioning optimally and identify diseases and conditions before they impact your well-being. Our longevity specialists cover all the comprehensive care and evaluations you need to detect and resolve problems like cancer, heart disease, and nutrition imbalances. Additionally, you can trust us to carry out executive physicals in one day to examine your executive team and provide clear and helpful medical information for present and future needs. Reach out to us today to schedule a free 15-minute consultation or video call to discuss your healthcare needs.

Synergy Longevity Centers


24285 Karim Blvd, Suite A
Novi, MI 48375





Hours of Operation
Monday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM

24285 Karim Blvd suite a, Novi, MI 48375, USA