Stool Immunochemical Testing
Helping Novi, MI Residents With Stool Immunochemical Tests
Prevention is one of the most effective ways to deal with countless illnesses and medical conditions in patients. Synergy Longevity Centers invests in technologies and techniques to identify and address harmful and life-threatening conditions for our Novi, MI patients, including stool immunochemical tests. Running this test can accurately detect indicators of colon cancer, ensuring appropriate medical intervention can happen as early as possible. With a fecal immunochemical test, otherwise known as a FIT test, you have the chance to catch cancer before it worsens to a devastating level. Colonoscopies are the gold standard for colon cancer screening, but some patients may have a FIT test as an option, depending on their medical details.

What Is a Stool Immunochemical Test?
This non-invasive colon cancer screening method detects blood in your stool through antibodies. Medical professionals also call the FIT test an immunochemical fecal occult blood test, or iFOBT. Using stool-based testing, we can find hidden or occult blood in fecal matter. Checking your tool for blood is an essential medical method because the blood may signify colorectal cancer or precancerous polyps growing in your colon. Passing stool can damage the fragile blood vessels on the surface of cancerous growths or larger polyps, potentially releasing blood in small amounts. These tests are incredibly helpful because you cannot typically see the blood in your stool with normal eyesight. Synergy Longevity Centers proudly offers this test option to help you stay on top of your colon health, but this test isn’t the final step of the identification process. If you have a positive result from a FIT test, you will need to undergo a colonoscopy. Furthermore, even with a negative result on your FIT test, you still need to repeat this test every year.
What Other Factors Can Cause Blood in My Stool?
A colonoscopy is necessary after a FIT test shows positive results so doctors can figure out why blood is present. Polyps and cancerous growths can release blood into passing fecal matter, but they’re not the only reasons for this medical situation. Other non-cancerous conditions commonly release blood and may explain a positive fecal immunochemical test result.
We’ve listed some typical examples that occur in countless patients:
- Hemorrhoids
- Ulcers
- Colitis or Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Diverticulosis (Tiny Pouches Forming in Your Colon Wall’s Weak Spots)
Benefits of a FIT Test for Colon Health & Cancer Detection
Synergy Longevity Centers gladly offers stool immunotherapy testing for colon cancer prevention because of its ability to detect blood in a patient’s fecal matter. There are numerous benefits to scheduling a FIT test regularly if you qualify for stool-based testing as a medical option. Early detection is the best way to address the earliest signs of cancerous or precancerous growth in your colon, potentially saving you undue suffering and life endangerment.
Other benefits of this form of gastrointestinal health screening include the following:
- No Pills or Liquids for Test Preparation
- Can Be Done in the Privacy of Your Home
- Inexpensive
- No Medications or Special Dietary Changes
- Only Requires One Bowel Movement to Complete the Test
Are There Any Disadvantages to FIT Tests?
While Synergy Longevity Centers considers the FIT test a suitable screening method for some patients, we understand the cons and take measures to ensure patients get the care they need. Fecal immunochemical testing can help you identify a possible cancer risk, but it’s not the only step medical professionals will take to screen you for cancerous or precancerous growth. This test has some disadvantages that you should be aware of, including the following:
- Some Patients Find It Unpleasant to Complete
- High False-Positive Rate
- Patients Must Repeat It Annually
- Insurance May Not Cover Follow-Up Colonoscopy After a Positive Result
- Postal Delays or Warm Climates May Cause Incorrect Test Results
- Doesn’t Visually Examine Your Colon or Rectum
- Tumors or Polyps Bleeding in Smaller Amounts or Not Bleeding May Not Be Detected
A FIT test may be an outstanding healthcare choice if you qualify for colonoscopies as part of your regular medical testing or need professional screening to determine if you’re at risk of cancer. Synergy Longevity Centers will help you determine if screening for possible colorectal cancer is advisable. Our wellness center covers a broad range of medical testing and treatment solutions, from longevity evaluations to cancer-focused assessments. We’ll check your heart health, gut health, nutrition, and many other factors contributing to your health and longevity. Please don’t neglect your medical concerns and risk suffering and potential threats to your life. Reach out to us today to schedule an appointment and learn more about how we can help you optimize your wellness.